私は、ホリスティック・ヘルスの学校で、週末クラスのスタッフとして生徒さんをサポートする仕事をしています。週末は、ホリスティック・ヘルス・コーチ アドバンス・プログラムの修了式もあったのですが、スタッフ業務もありました。
中国医学を専門とするPaul Pitchford、モンタナで牧場を営みつつも今は菜食主義者のHoward Lyman、代謝・デトックスなど幅広い話題を持つMark Hyman。
写真の本は私も愛用していますがPaul Pitchfordの「Healing with Whole Foods」。
Paul Pitchford, MS(写真の本の著者)
Paul Pitchford, MS studied and apprenticed with masters of Traditional Chinese medicine, nutrition, Tai Chi and Zen meditation. His landmark book, Healing with Whole Foods, forms the foundation of his unique dietary teachings which unify Eastern and Western therapies. His work has become a primary force behind the most fundamental, clinically effective and innovative dietary movements today, widely known as “whole foods nutrition.”
Mark Hyman, MD
Mark Hyman, MD is a family physician, a four-time New York Times bestselling author, chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine and an internationally recognized leader in his field. His books include Ultrametabolism and Ultraprevention and he is the creator of The Detox Box, which helps people integrate the experience of detoxification into their everyday lives.
Howard Lyman
Howard Lyman is a fourth-generation family farmer in Montana, former president of Earth Save, and the activist that turned Oprah Winfrey against hamburgers. He is the author of Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher who Won’t Eat Meat, and most recently, No More Bull!. He is a voice for family farmers across the country.