弊社ではInstitute for Integrative Nutrition(IIN)と特別提携して、ホリスティック・ヘルス・コーチ資格取得のサポートを行っております。
– 12月10日(月)~14日(金)に登録される方
– 2013年1月14日または2013年3月11日開始のクラスを受講される方。
New York Cares
is New York City’s largest volunteer organization, working together with partner organizations to help children, adults, and the community through thousands of hands-on projects.
Healthy Child Healthy World
is a movement to empower parents to protect their children from harmful chemicals and promote policies that reform chemical regulations.
Farm Sanctuary
is a haven for farm animals rescued from stockyards, factory farms and slaughterhouses. The sanctuaries invite visitors to learn about, volunteer and advocate for, farm animals recovering from abuse.