
充実した講義内容~Integrative Nutrition Week2

ホリスティック・ヘルスの学校(Institute for Integrative Nutrition)で、週末クラスのスタッフとして生徒さんをサポートする仕事をしています。今週は第2週目の講義が開催されました。


サウスビーチ・ダイエットの考案者・Authur Agatston氏(写真の)、シェフ、管理栄養士…など、実に多彩な顔ぶれです。

Arthur Agatston, MD

A Cardiologist and author of the bestselling South Beach Diet, which has become one of the most popular diets worldwide, he is Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami and a pioneer in noninvasive cardiac diagnostics and imaging. His goal is to educate and empower both his patients and the public about healthy lifestyle choices and prevention.

Andrea Beaman
A successful Integrative Nutrition graduate and author of The Whole Truth, she teaches the art of cooking whole foods in a simple, fun and quick way. She was featured on Bravo’s Top Chef and is host of Wise Up on Veria television Network.

Lynn Goldstein, MS, RD
Graduate of Integrative Nutrition and NYU’s clinical nutrition program, she is a registered dietitian who developed and now runs a nutrition program at the Jay Monahan Center. She also has a private practice and leads seminars at doctors’ offices, corporations and medical conferences.

